Inaugural Event Sponsorship
A night of Celebration, Appreciation & Acceleration as we work together to end Hygiene Insecurity.
June 13, 2023 | 6:30 P.M.
deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum Lincoln, MA
Hygiene Insecurity is a hidden health crisis as hygiene products such as soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, and menstrual products are not covered by SNAP (formerly known as 'food stamps').
The mission of Hope & Comfort is to provide sustained access to essential hygiene products to support the health, dignity, and confidence of children and adults in need in Massachusetts.
This is a special evening to celebrate the work that has been done towards ending Hygiene Insecurity, appreciate those who have made it possible, and accelerate our future work to support more children and adults in need.
Event Planning Committee
Former President and CEO, Boston Boys & Girls Clubs
Hope & Comfort Board Member
Board of Directors
Sponsorship Opportunities
Hope & Comfort is having its Inaugural Event on June 13 at the deCordova Museum in Lincoln for 200+ people, including many of our largest existing corporate and individual donors as well as strategic partners. This is an excellent opportunity to not only partner in the fight against Hygiene Insecurity, but also highlight your organization.
- 10 Invitations
- Verbal recognition at event
- CEO available to speak to sponsor's employees
- Yearlong signage recognition at H&C's office
- Employee engagement opportunities
- Recognition in event program
- Special "Visionary Sponsor" signage at event
- Social media recognition
- Logo displayed on H&C website
- 8 Invitations
- Verbal recognition at event
- Employee engagement opportunities
- Recognition in event program
- Special "Champion Sponsor" signage at event
- Social media recognition
- Logo displayed on H&C website
- 6 Invitations
- Recognition in event program
- Signage at event
- Social media recognition
- Logo displayed on H&C website
- 4 Invitations
- Recognition in event program
- Logo displayed on H&C website
- 2 Invitations
- Recognition in event program
- Logo displayed on H&C website
Sponsorship Agreement Form
We will support Hope & Comfort by being a sponsor of their Inaugural Event.